An online market supporting the master artists of Nepal and Tibet




Extreme Sports of Nepal

For any avid traveler, Nepal and Tibet are always high on the list as desired destinations. It is difficult to deter the lure for the ancient spiritual presence of the countries and the rugged landscapes of the Himalayas. What most don't know, is that the modern times have afforded some amazing adventures in Nepal and Tibet. From trekking the Himalayas and then paragliding off the summit of a mountain to golfing the valleys to motorcycling through the farm countries and hills. It all is as extreme as the countries themselves.

To assist travelers, we have placed several of the contacts for each of these extreme sports. 4COTW has no relations with these organizations and people, but our time in Nepal has enabled us to do some of the "ground" research for you. The majority of the photos taken are from our extreme sports adventures in Nepal.

To order, call toll free 888.573.0270
we accept Visa, MasterCard, and American Express


Extreme Paragliding in Nepal   Extreme Golf in Nepal
Trekking and Mountain Climbing   Extreme Motorcycling
Extreme Kayaking   Extreme Jungle Trekking
bringing the natural flows of all corners of the earth...

Welcome to 4CornersOfTheWorld, a representation of people and arts of Tibet and Nepal. Here's how we work. We travel to the exotic lands, and meet and greet with the top artists around. On location, we usually buy what we feel are the best pieces of art from that individual. We also photograph the artist, record his/her inspirations and/or photograph their homes and communities. This enables two things to happen. First, buyers seeking authentic art from these most peaceful and alluring locations now have a place to find and purchase arts, as well as share in the origins of their purchases. Secondly, it serves to promote these talented masters and open a new outlet for sharing and exporting their works. The vast majority of profits (85%) are returned to the artists or their villages. Our goal is to be a catalyst for these remote talents gaining the visibility and financial support they deserve.

To be completely open with our business practices, I must say that profits from incense and teas are the revenue generating portion of our business. And although our prices are great, this wholesale and internet sale of these items is what keeps us growing and expanding.

So thanks, and enjoy your shopping experience. and if you decide to purchase any merchandise, please contact us at:

4CornersOfTheWorld, llc
toll free 888.573.0270

about the owner




Incense & Teas


Statues & Sculptures


poetry section

for travelers

owner info

Future Global Restaurant

All Site Contents and Photography copyright 2005,  4CornersOfTheWorld, LLC