Opening 2006 in the Central United
States 8th Day is
a unique experience both day and night. By Day we play mellow music mixed or recorded from indigenous parts of the
world to offer a gentle and relaxing environment for our coffee shop and restaurant patrons.
Brick walls, tiled floors, lantern lighting, flower petals on the tables and the aroma of
incense marks the mood. Rare spiritual art is abundant and comforting cushions and couches are
provided for all to feel free and content to enjoy foods from across the world.
At night, we drop the fabric tents and
turn the lights down low. Incense, lights, and a world vibe transcendental music fill the air.
Private cloth tents or the Miami-style dance floor are available for all to enjoy. Foods from
Israel, Tibet, India, Africa, America, and elsewhere entice your taste buds.
We ensure you that the 8th Day
experience will be one like no other. Offering the best DJ's from around the world, we cater
to all senses and open our doors to any and all who seek to blend enjoyment and comfort.
Features of the 8thDay Restaurant, Gallery and Night Club
Over 35,000 square feet of space dedicated to offices and entertainment
Global Museum for Rare and Exotic Arts from All Continents
Five Continents independently represented in food and decor
Health Spa and Salon
Meditation Center
Global Business Hub and IT Center- board room and global video conferencing center
Coffee Shop
Retail Art Gallery
Home of the staff of 4CornersOfTheWorld, llc